14 Best Yoga Poses For Lung Health

Are you one among the millions that hardly has the 'time to breathe'? May be, then, you should take a breather and read on why your lung health is important and how to improve your lung capacity.

Breath is the most important centre that connects us with the Universe. Like the metal that receives electrical energy and supplies it everywhere, our lungs receive Universal Energy through breath and sends it to every part of the body through blood. By absorbing oxygen released by plants and giving out carbon dioxide, which is necessary for plants, breath maintains balance of nature. 

One of the most effective ways to improve your lung health is by practicing yoga poses and breathing techniques. 

How Yoga Poses Strengthen The Lungs?

To enable inhalation and exhalation of air, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles between the ribs should contract and expand. This process helps in the expansion and contraction of lungs. First, we need to do yoga postures to stimulate the act.
  • Cobra Pose helps to expand the anterior thoracic cavity.
  • Locust Pose tightens the abdominal muscles and this helps to expand the upper part of the body.
  • Seated Forward Bend expands the back muscles.

The above mentioned yoga poses expand and contract the lungs thereby stimulating and enhancing the performance of lungs.
  • Plough Pose and Standing Forward Bend help in conditions related to asthma.
  • Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose enhances the performance of the lungs. It particularly improves blood circulation in the small chambers of the lungs, activates the nerves and helps in the process of cell regeneration. 

Lungs get stimulated by doing back stretching yoga poses like Fish Pose, Bow Pose, Camel Pose, Half-Spinal Twist and The Psychic Union Pose .

Another type of breathing problem is owing to excess energy in the lungs. This situation arises if the kidneys are weak. Based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, kidneys absorb excess energy from lungs. If kidneys are weak, the excess energy is accumulated in the lungs which results in breathing problems. To overcome this problem, you need to practice yoga poses to strengthen kidneys. Seated Forward Bend is effective in treating this condition. Other asanas that help to strengthen kidneys are Head Stand, Veeryasthamban asana, Auspicious Pose and Abdominal Lock.

While yoga poses strengthen your lungs, breathing exercises enhance the capacity of lungs. Thus the performance of lungs is improved and various breathing disorders are cured. 

1. Hand-To-Feet Pose / Padahastasana

Hand-to-Feet Pose

Excellent pose for toning your spine and improving spine flexibility.

2. Veerya Stambhan Asana

Veerya Stambhan Asana

Veerya Stambhan Asana stimulates nerves.
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3. Lotus Pose / Padmasana 

Lotus Pose

The best pose for meditation.
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4. Psychic Union Pose / Yoga Mudra

Psychic Union Pose

Great pose for stimulating kundalini power.
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5. Seated Forward Bend / Paschimottanasana

Seated Forward Bend

Gives your body an amazing stretch.

6. Camel Pose / Ustrasana

Camel Pose

Improves lung capacity.

7. Auspicious Pose / Bhadarasana

Auspicious Pose / Bhadrasana

The pose activates Root Chakra.
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8. Half Spinal Twist / Ardha Matsyendrasana
Half Spinal Twist

The pose energizes the whole body.
9. Cobra Pose / Bhujangasana

Cobra Pose

It is a good pose for asthma. 

10. Locust Pose / Salabhasana

Cures liver sluggishness.
11. Bow Pose / Dhanurasana

Bow Pose

One of the best yoga poses to reduce tummy fat.

12. Shoulder Stand / Sarvangasana

Shoulder Stand

Famously called the Queen of yoga poses.
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13. Plough Pose / Halasana

Plough Pose

Postpones signs of aging. 
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14. Fish Pose / Matsyasana
Fish Pose

Fish Pose is effective for back and neck pain.
Alternate Nostril Breathing / Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama 

Breathing techniques are very effective in strengthening lung function. 

  • Assume Lotus Pose or Thunderbolt Pose.
  • Keep your spine erect and muscles relaxed.
  • Fold your index and middle fingers of the right hand and let the remaining fingers open.
  • Now, you will be using your thumb to close your right nostril and your ring finger to close your left nostril.
  • Keeping your right nostril closed, inhale deeply and slowly through your left nostril.
  • After inhalation, close your left nostril and open your right to exhale slowly.
  • On completing exhalation through right, inhale through right.
  • Block the right nostril and exhale through your left. This is one round.
  • Do five rounds to begin with and after you are comfortable with the practice, increase the rounds to 10. You will find that you inhale and exhale more deeply and for longer duration with practice.


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