Is Yoga The Way To Treat Asthma - Try The Best 10 Yoga Poses For Asthma

Asthma is one of those health conditions that badly affects the quality of one’s life. Asthma, a chronic lung condition, makes breathing very difficult and seem almost impossible. The inflammation of airways results in the air passages getting swollen and highly sensitive to triggers. The muscles around airways tighten thereby causing temporary narrowing of airways thus restricting the flow of air to lungs. Mucus production becomes higher which further narrows the air passages heightening the agony of the person under asthmatic attack.   

Causes And Triggers of Asthma

Apart from the role genetics play,  asthma can be caused due to tendency to developing allergies, childhood respiratory infections and environmental factors including air pollution. 

Asthma triggers irritate the air passages, cause inflammation leading to an attack of asthma. The triggers include allergens such as pollen and dust mites, respiratory tract infections, certain types of foods, certain exercises, smoke, certain weather conditions, certain medications and stress. 

How Yoga Helps

Yoga strengthens the respiratory system. Chest opener poses improve lung capacity. By increasing your awareness of breathing through regular yogic practices, you realize the moment the breathing gets abnormal; early detection always helps in early and effective cure. By improving one’s stamina and relieving fatigue, yoga helps to manage and cure symptoms of asthma. Yoga also cures tightness of muscles. Yoga poses and pranayama alleviate stress, an asthma trigger, promote sense of calm and wellness. 

Yoga For Asthma

Given below are the most effective yoga poses for asthma.

Standing Forward Bend / Uttanasana

Standing Forward Bend

For more information, click here.

Half-Wheel Pose / Ardha Chakrasana

Half Wheel Pose

For more information, click here.

Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog Pose

For more information, downward facing dog pose

Camel Pose / Ustrasana

Camel Pose

For more information, click here

The Psychic Union Pose / Yoga Mudra

Psychic Union Pose

For more information, click here.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose / Half Spinal Twist / Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

For more information, click here

Bridge Pose / Setu Bandhasana

Bridge Pose

For more information, click here

Cobra Pose / Bhujangasana

Cobra Pose

For more information, click here.

Fish Pose / Matsyasana

Fish Pose

For more information, click here.

Rest Pose / Savasana

Rest Pose

Regular practice of the above-mentioned yoga poses helps in managing and preventing asthma. Including breathing techniques in the practices makes the yoga session more productive.


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