Standing Forward Bend And Its Benefits

Standing Forward Bend is an excellent yoga pose for stress relief.

How To Do Standing Forward Bend

·          Stand straight with your hands by your sides.
·          Inhale as you raise your hands over your head.
·          Exhale as you bend downwards with your arms stretched towards the ground.
·          Place your palms by the sides of your feet on the ground. Alternately, you can place your forearms behind your lower legs.
·          Bring your forehead closer to your legs without bending your knees.
·          Hold the pose for mentioned duration.
·          Release the pose by releasing your arms and straightening your body.

Duration: 20 Seconds
Benefits Of Standing Forward Bend

·          Stretches your entire body
·          Tones your shoulders
·          Improves blood flow to brain
·          Calms your mind and relieves stress
·          Treats sciatic conditons


Those with high blood pressure, detached retina and glaucoma should refrain from practicing the pose. 


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