Yoga Mudrasana / The Psychic Union Pose

Yoga mudra is one of the most important yoga poses that elevates the mind to higher spiritual levels. The term spirituality is not used here to refer to god or religion. It is the quality of one's thoughts, consciousness, actions and attitude. Yoga mudra elevates the level of mind to a higher plane and improves the quality of one's life.

Yoga Mudra

How to do Yoga Mudra

  • Assume Lotus pose.
  • Bring your hands behind your back and hold your right wrist with your left hand.
  • With slow exhalation, bend forward and place your forehead on the floor without shifting your buttock. 

Duration: Beginners can practice Yoga Mudra for 30 seconds. With practice, the duration can be increased up to two minutes.

Benefits of Yoga Mudra

  • Boosts lung performance
  • Strengthens abdominal muscles
  • Relieves constipation and gastric problems
  • Cures spinal disorders
  • Stimulates entire nervous system
  • Stimulates kundalini power


Those suffering from hypertension should avoid practicing Yoga Mudra. Those with problems in the neck, back and shoulders should practice the pose under guidance. 

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