Best 8 Yoga Poses To Make Your Tummy Fat Disappear

It might hurt when you realize that you no longer fit into those gorgeous trousers you had purchased during your last vacation. It hurts even more if the vacation was a recent one. As you look for ways to regain your lost shape, knowing the causes behind your belly fat helps to treat it right.

The universal problem affecting most of the people, particularly men, is an out of proportion stomach. Tummy not only spoils your external looks but is also an indicator of the weak internal strength you possess. With a flat stomach, appearance improves greatly and so does your stomach.

Factors that Cause Belly Fat

The reasons for belly fat include:

Genetics: Body types can be apple shaped or pear shaped. If fat accumulation is in the lower parts of the body, you are pear shaped. If you have fat around midsection and your stomach, you are apple shaped. Apple shaped body is mostly hereditary. One look around and you have the reason spotted. Well, it is easier to pass the blame over. Hereditary factor is not excuse for you to have allowed extra fat in the tummy region. While the reason is genetic, it is in your hands to stay free of excess fat.  

Hormonal Imbalances: Various hormones play foul to make your belly fat. If it is estrogen levels for women, it is androgen for men.

Ageing: With age comes wisdom goes the saying. With age also comes extra fat around the waist. Your muscle mass decreases and so does the rate of calories used up by your body. If you overlook to follow appropriate steps to check weight gain, you may soon find yourself out of proportion posing an immense challenge to your belt.

Menopause: Owing to hormonal changes in the body, women in their menopausal stage tend to gain extra fat in the abdominal region. 

Slow Metabolism: As mentioned above, ageing causes your metabolism to slow down. Hence your body will not be able to burn calories as easily as it did in the past. This results in additional storage of fat and you know exactly where to feel or see it. 

Stress: One of the many adverse effects of stress is tummy fat. Cortisol hormones are released when stressed, which result in triggering accumulation of fat in your belly. 

Poor Lifestyle: Lack of exercise and consumption of junk foods play a major role in causing belly fat. The 'modern' society is equipped with latest technologies that gives you access to everything across the globe with as little movement as possible. While it is absolutely sane to embrace such technologies to make life comfortable, it is essential to ensure you have a routine exercise session to keep you healthy. 

Given below are the best 8 yoga poses to reduce belly fat. 

1. Utkatasana / Chair Pose



  • Stand straight with your spine erect.
  • Raise your arms above your head with your upper arms closer to the ears.
  • Keep your palms together and let the arms be stretched. Alternately, you can stretch your arms forward.
  • While lifting your arms, bend at the waist low enough to maintain a seated posture. You may imagine sitting on a chair.
  • Remain in the pose for 20 seconds.
  • Return to position. 
Read more to know the benefits of Chair Pose

2. Uttanasana / Standing Forward Bend Pose


·         Stand straight keeping your spine erect and your feet apart. Let your hands be by the sides.
·         With slow inhalation, lift your hands upwards.
·         Slowly bend forward at your hips with exhalation.
·         As you bend, bring your hands forward and down towards your feet.
·         Crossing your forearms, hold elbow of right hand with left hand and left elbow with right. 
·         You may alternately bring your palms behind your legs and hold the back of your ankles. Let your elbows be placed on the outer side of calf muscles.
·         Return to position

3. Paschimottanasana / Seated Forward Bend


·         Sit straight with your spine erect and legs stretched out.
·         Keep your feet straight.
·         Inhale and slowly stretch your arms over your head.
·         As you lift your arms, pull your back up so that your spine straightens further.
·         Exhale and slowly bend forward to reach for your toes. Let your spine stretch as much as possible.
·         Place your head on your legs. Try to place the head more towards your feet.
·         Knees should be straight.
·         Return to position.

4. Pavana Mukthasana / Wind Relieving Pose

  • Lie down with your hands by your sides.
  • Lift your legs and fold them to bring your knees closer to your chin by clasping your palms around the legs.
  • You may also hold your right elbow with your left hand and left elbow with your right over your legs.
  • Clasping your elbows or the palms will help to bring the thighs closer to your body and the knees toward your chin.
  • Raise your head and touch your knees with your chin. Do not hold breath while in the position.
  • While returning to position, let your head rest on the floor first, then unlock your legs and stretch them.
5. Naukasana / Boat Pose



·         Lie down on the floor on your back.
·         Inhale deeply. Exhale as you lift your chest and legs off the floor.
·         Stretch your arms with fingers pointing towards your feet.
·         Now you will be balancing on your sit bones and resemble the shape of a boat.
·         Release the pose by stretching yourself on the floor.
Do not hold your breath while in the pose.

6. Caturanga Dandasana / Low Plank Pose


  • Assume normal push-up position and let your arms be straight.
  • Keep your arms perpendicular to the floor.
  • Your wrists and shoulders should be in a line.
  • Return to normal position.
Learn about the benefits of Low Plank Pose

7. Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose


  • Lie down on your stomach facing downwards.
  • Bend your hands at the elbows to place the palms near the chest.
  • Inhale as you lift your body up to your waist. Now, your hands will be perpendicular to the floor.
  • Pull your shoulders back to expand your chest.
Read more to know the benefits of Cobra PoseCobra Pose

8. Dhanurasana / Bow Pose


  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Bend both the legs and hold your ankles using your hands.
  • Raise your face, chest and your thighs. Now, you will be resting on your abdomen.
  • While returning to position, release your ankles and gently place your hands and legs down.
Read more to know the benefits of Bow Pose

Back To The Right Side Of The Mirror

Never mind that you had all along missed the obvious signs of a developing tummy. Forgive yourself for being on the wrong side of the mirror when you were dressing up. Practice the above-mentioned yoga poses to reduce belly fat as regularly as you would brush and bathe. The results will be showing as your tummy did earlier; only you will be healthier and happier.


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