Grow Young Every Day With The 10 Most Effective Yoga Poses For Anti-Ageing

If you hate numbers when you count your age, well, you are not alone. Though you may take comfort from the saying ‘One year older one year wiser’, the inconveniences associated with ageing are least comforting. So, does one really have to pay a heavy price for getting ‘wiser’? Not necessarily if you roll your yoga mat and get into action. If you consider yourself too young to be concerned about aging, rethink, as just like everyone else, you too age with every second past.

What Is Ageing

As you age, the degeneration of cells becomes higher than cell regeneration. This results in reduced performance of the internal organs causing poor blood circulation, limited range of movements, memory loss and other health conditions.

How Does Yoga Postpone Ageing

One of the most common health conditions associated with ageing is the lack of mobility. Your flexibility level goes down and so does your strength. You may be looking for some help to open a bottle, an act which you would have gladly (and proudly too) performed for your grandma many a time. Slower metabolism, lesser bone density and reduced performance of internal organs come as a package with old age.
Yoga plays an important role in keeping you young. Yoga for anti-ageing helps to address the symptoms associated with aging by improving the overall performance of your body. By working at psychological level, yoga keeps you stress-free, which naturally helps to prevent symptoms such as depression associated with ageing. Here is what yoga does to your body and mind.

Yoga helps to maintain balance, which is among the first to be affected as one advances in years.

Yoga improves your flexibility level by working on your spine and joints. Considering the fact that you are only as young as your spine, it is essential that you maintain spine health and flexibility.

Yoga poses improve your strength, physical and mental.

Practicing yoga regularly improves your memory and you sure know that memory loss is one of the symptoms of aging. Now, there can be no excuses for not paying your bills on time.

Breathing techniques in yoga improve your physical and mental well being. Breathing practices relax your mind and you will experience a sense of calm and acceptance.

Yoga makes you look and feel younger than your age. If you are now all set to have a regular yoga session, here are the best 10 yoga poses for anti-aging. The right time to start practicing these poses is while you are still young. Those who have already advanced in years may find some of the poses to be difficult. It is suggested to go slow on the practice and never push yourself hard to achieve perfection. The secret is to listen to your body and you will be guided appropriately. 

1. Utkatasana / Chair Pose  

Chair pose strengthens your knees and thighs. It improves heart function and thus improves blood circulation. One of the obvious signs of aging is the difficulty in climbing stairs. Practising Chair Pose will address the condition effectively. Here is how to do Chair Pose.

2. Vrikshasana / Tree Pose 

Tree Pose improves balance, which is often compromised in seniors. Tree Pose stretches your spine as well. Here is how to do Tree Pose.

3. Virabhadrasana / Warrior Pose I

Warrior Pose I strengthens and stretches your legs. It improves lung capacity, which aids in overall health.  

4. Padahastasana /Standing Forward Bend

Padahastasana is a wonderful pose that addresses menopause related problems. It improves circulation in joints and muscles and thus helps with free movement of your body. It also calms your brain.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Dog Pose

Downward Dog Pose is yet another excellent pose for treating menopausal symptoms. It strengthens uterus, kidneys and urinary bladder. It helps to prevent prostate problem, one of the common health conditions associated with aging. It strengthens your spine as well.

6. Balasana / Child Pose

Child Pose calms your mind. It cures gas accumulation, a condition that is commonly experienced when you lead a sedentary lifestyle.

7. Caturanga Dandasana / Low Plank Pose

Low PlankPose improves your heart function and thus helps to maintain heart health.

8. Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose stretches your spine and improves your flexibility. It stimulates your digestive system thus addressing problems related to slower metabolism as you age. It is also effective in increasing lung capacity.

9. Chakrasana / Wheel Pose

Chakrasana is one of the best poses to improve your spine health and flexibility. It is an amazing anti-aging yoga pose that works out your entire body.

10. Vakrasana /Twisted Pose

Vakrasana is effective in treating diabetes, which is a common condition associated with old age.

Ageing is a natural process in life. While you need to accept it, you need not necessarily accept everything ageing throws at you. By leading a well-planned life that has a place for regular yoga practice, you can advance in years gracefully with all signs of youthfulness intact.  


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