5 Yoga Poses To Make Your Lower Leg Muscles Strong

Prolonged hours of desk work may let you have a fat cheque every month but you also get something that was not part of the deal, at least not something you had perceived. Yes, your leg muscles weaken and tighten causing pain anywhere and everywhere from your low back to your toes. Pain apart, you lose balance, which, as you get older can increase the risk of falls. While you cannot quit your desk job as it takes care of your life style, you can exercise to ensure quality life. Here are 5 yoga poses to make your lower leg muscles strong.

1. Utkattasana / Chair Pose

Chair Pose stretches your calves and strengthens them. It improves circulation to legs. Here is how you do ChairPose.

2. Uttanasana / Standing Forward Bend

Standing Forward Bend is effective in stretching your calf muscles and hamstrings. Check here to see how to do Standing Forward Bend

3. Trikonasana / Extended Triangle Pose

Extended Triangle Pose tones the muscles on the sides of your lower legs. It improves balance. Check here to know how to do Extended Triangle Pose.

4. Garudasana / Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose improves your balance. It strengthens your legs. It promotes health of your ankles. Check here to know how to do Eagle Pose.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Dog Pose

Downward Dog Pose stretches your calves, Achilles tendon and strengthens your legs. Here is how you do Downward Dog Pose.


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