The 10 Most Effective Yoga Poses To Conquer Stress

Staying stress-free may seem a remote possibility in a world where the compelling urge to be successful reigns supreme. Being stressed, as many suggest, is a ‘necessity’ to achieve success. After all, it is a jungle world where only the fittest survive, right? However, is it really the way to survive? Does being stressed help your way up the ladder?

What Is Stress And How It Affects You

Stress is a response that helps you handle tough situations. Your heart rate and blood pressure are increased owing to the hormones released while you are stressed. Circulation of oxygen improves and your immune system gets stimulated thereby making your body and mind brave the situation. This is positive stress, which helps you emerge winner. However, repeated stress can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. Chronic stress can cause various health conditions including high blood pressure, tension headaches, migraine, insomnia, stomach disorders, ulcer, diabetes, weight gain and heart conditions. It also affects you psychologically by causing mood swings, anxiety, loss of focus and may make you hate being in company.

How Yoga Makes You Stress Free

It is true that stress has an important role to play in your success; however, it is possible only if you handle it right. Yoga relieves stress and makes you strike a perfect balance. It calms your nervous system, stimulates your glands and internal organs to function at their best thereby addressing the negative effects of stress. Being a body and mind art, yoga calms your brain and improves your focus. Your physical and mental strength improve and so does your perception of life. With yoga, you can handle stress with comfortable ease and emerge the winner you are. Here are the top 10 yoga poses for relieving stress.

1. Padmasana / Lotus Pose

Lotus Pose is the best pose for meditation. It calms your mind and improves your focus. It soothes your nervous system. Check here to see How To Do Lotus Pose.

To know about yoga poses for anxiety, click here.

2.  Padahastasana / Standing Forward Bend

Standing Forward Bend calms your brain. It is one of the effective poses to treat menopausal problems, which can also cause stress. Check here to know How To Do Standing Forward Bend

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog Pose

Downward Facing Dog Pose calms your mind. It is very effective for mental depression. It is effective in treating problems related to menopause. Here is How You Do Downward Facing Dog Pose

4. Balasana / Child Pose

Child Pose calms your brain and relaxes your mind.Check How To Do Child Pose

5. Garudasana / Eagle Pose

Balancing yoga poses are great stress relievers. Eagle Pose is one of the classic yoga poses that keeps you stress-free. It relieves your physical and mental stress by opening up your shoulders, relaxing your neck, engaging your core and by engaging your mind to focus on your body’s alignment to perfect the pose.

How To Do Eagle Pose
  • Stand straight with your hands by your sides.  
  • Lift your right arm to make an ‘L’shape by bending at the elbow. Let the hand be in front of you.
  • Bring the left arm under your right arm and curl it to place your left palm against the right palm.
  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • Bring your left leg over the right so that the left thigh is over the right thigh.
  • Curl your left foot around your right leg’s calf muscle.
  • Uncurl your legs and return to position.
  •  Repeat the same on the other side.
 Duration: 30 seconds

 6. Virabhadhrasana II / Warrior Pose II

Warrior Pose II relaxes your mind and improves your strength, balance and focus.

7. Sethu Bandhasana / Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose calms your mind. It reduces nervousness and fatigue.

How To Do Bridge Pose
  • Lie down on your back.
  • Let the arms be by the sides.
  • Bend your legs to place your feet on the mat.
  • Maintain hip width distance between your feet.
  • Placing your palms firmly on the ground, lift your hips off the floor and as high as possible.
  • Return to position.
 Duration: 20 seconds

 8. Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose improves oxygen and blood circulation and helps to relieve you off stress. It cures fatigue and elevates mood. Check HowTo Do Cobra Pose

9. Bow Pose

Bow Pose tones your Solar Plexus thereby reducing anxiety. Visit the link to learn How To Do Bow Pose

10. Rest Pose

Corpse Pose, though I would love to term it Rest Pose, is an excellent pose to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind.

Life is definitely not a bed of roses; may be yes, if you consider the thorns. Learning to take things as they come will help you make the best out of every situation. While you count the reasons for being stressed, remember to count your blessings too - you may, after all, have reasons to smile and stay content.


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