6 Most Effective Yoga For Indigestion

Indigestion, a common digestive disorder, is mainly caused due to improper eating habits. Other factors that can cause indigestion include medications, obesity, stomach ulcer and stress. In rare cases, indigestion can be a symptom of an underlying health condition. Here are the 6 most effective yoga for indigestion.

1. Trikonasana / Extended Triangle Pose

Extended Triangle Pose stimulates your abdominal organs and aids in treating indigestion. Here is how you do Triangle Pose.

  • Stand straight with your feet about three feet apart from each other.
  • Turn your right foot outwards at 90 degree angle. Turn your left foot by about 15 degrees towards the right side·          
  • Raise your arms sideways up to your shoulder level with your palms facing down.  
  • Bend at the right side and place your right hand on the floor outside your right foot. Let the knees be straight.
  • Raise your left hand upwards in line with the left shoulder. Keep your elbow straight. Turn your face upwards and gaze at the thumb of the left hand.
  • Remain in the pose for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the same on the left side.

Those with low blood pressure and diarrhea should avoid practicing Extended Triangle Pose. The pose should not be performed when you have a headache. Those who have high blood pressure should face downwards and those with neck conditions should look straight ahead.

2. Vajrasana / Thunderbolt Pose

The only yoga pose that can be performed immediately after taking your meals is Thunderbolt Pose. It is a wonderful pose to help with digestion. It improves blood flow to the abdominal organs thereby preventing gas accumulation and improving indigestion. 

  • Kneel down on the yoga mat.
  •  With your thighs together, space out the heels but let the big toes maintain contact. This will resemble ‘V.
  • Sit down on the space between your heels.
  • Let your back be straight and keep your palms on your knees.
  • You can remain in Thunderbolt Pose for 30 seconds. As you get comfortable with the pose, you can increase the duration for up to 5 minutes.

3. Ardha Matsyendrasana / Half Spinal Twist

Half Spinal Twist detoxifies your body by stimulating the digestive tract thereby improving digestion.

  • Sit down with legs stretched.
  • By bending the left leg bring the left foot over the right leg and place it closer to the outer side of your right thigh.
  • Bring the right heel towards you and place it closer to your left buttock. The leg should be in resting position.
  • Lift your right hand over the left leg and hold the big toe of your left foot. You can alternately place your right palm on the left knee. Twisting your trunk will help to bring your hand closer to your left foot.
  • Bring your left hand behind the back and place it closer to the right hip. Keep the back of your palm on your right hip. If you can stretch better, you can hold the left ankle.
  • Repeat the same in the opposite direction.
Duration: 30 seconds

4. Paschimottanasana / Seated Forward Bend

Seated Forward Bend eliminates waste from your system. It is effective in strengthening your digestive system.

  • Sit down on the floor with the legs stretched forward.
  • Inhale deeply as you lift your hands sideways and raise them above your head without bending your elbows.
  • Exhale slowly as you bend with your arms stretched forward to hold your toes. Do not bend your knees.
  • Place your chest on the thighs and your forehead on the knees. If you are flexible, you can stretch further to place your forehead further down the knees.· 
  • Lift your hands over your head and bring them back to position as you straighten your back to sit erect.
 Duration: 20 seconds
Note: The pose should not be practiced while one is suffering from diarrhea. Those with severe knee injuries and low back pain should also avoid practicing the pose.

5. Pavana Mukthasana / Wind Relieving Pose

As the name suggests, Wind Relieving Pose is very effective in relieving gas. It is one of the most effective poses for addressing indigestion.

  •  Lie down on your back. Let the hands be by the sides.
  • Exhale as you lift your legs off the floor.
  • Fold both your legs to place the thighs on the abdomen.
  • Place your palms over the legs and bring your knees as close as possible to your face without lifting your lower back. Lock your fingers and apply light pressure to help hold the pose.
  • Raise your head off the floor and let your forehead touch your knees. You may bring your chin to knees.
Duration: 20 seconds

Note: Do not push yourself beyond your flexibility level if you find it difficult to close the gap between your knees and your forehead or chin. It is fine to let the gap be and as you practice, you will find yourself accomplishing the pose with comfortable ease.
Those with severe neck problems and high blood pressure should avoid lifting their heads.   

6. Naukasana / Boat Pose

Boat Pose stimulates your abdominal muscles and tones your abdominal organs. It is effective in expelling gas and treating indigestion.

  • Sit on the yoga mat with your legs stretched forward.
  • Place the palms on the floor behind your back. The fingers should be pointing towards you.
  • Lean backwards applying light pressure on your palms. You will now be supported by the sit bones and tailbone.
  • Lift your legs off the floor and keep them stretched without bending your knees.
  • Let the legs be at 45 degree from the floor.
  • Stretch your arms in front of you. The hands will now be parallel to the floor. This pose will resemble a boat shape.
Duration: 30 seconds

Note: Those with high blood pressure, hip conditions and arthritis should avoid practicing Boat Pose.

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