Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold Pose / Upavista Konasana
Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold Pose
is yet another yoga pose that highlights how well you can
stretch. Physical capability apart, the pose being a brain calmer,
helps with your mental makeup too. Performing Upavista Konasana, the Wide
Legged Seated Forward Fold Pose can be a great way to get ready for the
challenges of the day.
How To Do Wide Legged Seated Forward
Fold Pose
· Sit straight on the floor
with your legs stretched forward.
· Move your legs apart from
each other and to the sides. As you widen the space between your legs, let your
kneecaps and toes be pointed upwards.
· Inhale as you place your
palms on the floor in front of you.
· Exhale and bend forward;
stretch your arms as you bend at your hips.
· With each exhalation, go
deep down, hold your big toes and place your forehead on the floor.
Duration: 20 seconds
Benefits of Wide Legged Seated Forward
Fold Pose
flexibility of legs and hips
hamstrings and relaxes groins
and strengthens the spine
the brain
yoga pose for arthritis and sciatic conditions
abdominal organs and improves their function
Those with low back injuries need to
exercise caution while practicing the pose.
To help with your initial practice,
you may sit on a folded blanket. You can also place a bolster under your legs
for support. Alternately, you can place a folded blanket lengthwise between
your legs and place your torso on it as you bend forward.